ICMVA 2024


2024 The 7th International Conference on Machine Vision and Applications (ICMVA 2024) was held in Singapore, during March 12-14, 2024.  The conference is sponsored by Science and Engineering Institute (SCIEI), Sensors and Systems Society of Singapore (SSS), supported by Okayama University, University of Évora, Gifu Shotoku Gakuen University, and National Taiwan University of Science and Technology.

After several rounds of review procedure, the program committee accepted those
papers to be published in ACM proceedings with ISBN 979-8-4007-1655-3, successfully online https://dl.acm.org/doi/proceedings/10.1145/3589572, successfully indexed by EI Compendex and SCOPUS within one month after online.

Enjoy the Conference

This conference program was highlighted by 3 Keynote Speakers: Prof. Xudong Jiang delivered keynote speech Towards Explainable AI: How Deep CNN Solves Problems of ANN; Prof. Wolfgang Osten delivered keynote speech Remote Laboratories for Machine Vision: From the Lab to the Cloud; Prof. Cheng-kuo Lee delivered keynote speech AI-Enhanced Sensors and Applications.

Then, Prof. Qian Kemao, Prof. Nikolai Petrov, Prof. Wei Wang, Prof. Silvio Montresor, Prof. Stephan Reichelt, Prof. Percival Almoro, Prof. Jun Ma, Prof. Caojin Yuan, Prof. Peng Gao, Prof. Fei Wang and Prof. Daping Chu delivered the invited speech.

Winners of presenters

One best presentation was selected from each session, evaluated from: originality; applicability; technical Merit; qualities of PPT; English. The best one was announced at the end of each session, and the certificates were awarded to these winners by chairmen.

Onsite Session 1-Computational Mathematics and Analytical Methods
P11034-A: Three-dimensional Meshless Vortex Loops Method with Improved Approach to the Boundary Integral Equation Solution
Ilia Marchevsky, Bauman Moscow State Technical University, Russia

Onsite Session 2-Machine Learning and Data Analysis in Control and Management System
C2019: Vision-based Mobile Analysis of Roadside Guardrail Structures
Csaba Beleznai, AIT Austrian Institute of Technology GmbH, Austria

Onsite Session 3-Basic Physics and Applied Physics
P11003: Utilizing GOES-16 Instruments to Forecast Geomagnetic Storm During Solar Cycle 25
Anis Rossdee, Universiti Teknologi MARA, Malaysia

Onsite Session 4-Target Detection and Recognition
C2010: On-Demand Multiclass Imaging for Sample Scarcity in Industrial Environments
Joan Orti Navarro, Universitat Politecnica de Catalunya, Spain

Onsite Session 5-Mathematical Model and Calculation
P11044-A: Volatility and Risk Measure Forecasting with the Mixture Regime GARCH Model
Nurhayati, Institut Teknologi Bandung, Indonesia

Onsite Session 6-Image Analysis and Processing Methods
C2021: SARAF: Searching for Adversarial Robust Activation Functions
Maghsood Salimi, Mälardalen University, Sweden

Online Session 1-Image Detection and Recognition
C2007: Grasp-Oriented Fine-grained Cloth Segmentation without Real Supervision
Ruijie Ren, Institut de Robòtica i Informàtica Industrial (IRI-CSIC), Spain

Online Session 2-Mathematical Model and Applied Physics
P11043-A: Accurate Solution of Dynamic Behavior of Cylindrical Functionally Graded Tubes on Winkler-Pasternak Foundation
Wei-Li Ma, Chang'an University, China

Online Session 3-Modern Information System and Electronic Technology
C12001: A Proposal on “Sandwich” Architecture in the Communication Platform for IoT Services
Tetsuya Yokotani, Kanazawa Institute of Technology, Japan